Blackwall tunnel closure for Silvertown works this weekend
The Blackwall tunnel will close at midnight tonight in the southbound direction for the full weekend.
Silvertown tunnel construction work sees roadworks undertaken with the southbound A102 road reopening early Monday morning.
Construction on a road bridge for drivers exiting the Blackwall tunnel is the main job, as the bridge will in future see traffic leaving that tunnel pass over over Silvertown tunnel roads before traffic from both meets further south.

Bus route 108 will be curtailed with bus tickets able to be used on the Jubilee line.
The Woolwich ferry is due to operate a service every 15-20 minutes.

The Silvertown tunnel is expected to complete in 2025 when tolls will be applied to both the Blackwall and Silvertown crossings. This seems to have surprised some when recently covered though has always been the plan, dating back many years.
Some years ago Greenwich Council even raised the possibility of tolling other crossings including the ferry if too much traffic diverted upon completion of Silvertown tunnel.

Given the replacement boats since and generally poor service levels that does seem somewhat unlikely.
One major event this weekend that will be impacted is Muse at the o2. If works are not complete a follow up weekend closure will be undertaken next weekend.