Threatened Lewisham town centre pub could now remain in town centre revamp
A Lewisham pub that may have been demolished under a major town centre redevelopment could now remain as plans are tweaked.
Wetherspoon pub The Watch House at the southern end of the High Street is located in a building set for replacement under early renderings.

Now altered plans on show in the town centre show the structure remaining.
The current thinking appears to be retain the pub unit as well as a large number of High Street buildings of merit including the nearby Primark.

Further buildings will be retained heading north including Marks & Spencer though that was the plan in previous renderings.
Most buildings that will go – but not all – are the 1970s shopping centre including structures facing the High Street. One beside Burger King near the market and another housing Nat West opposite Lewisham police station.

Both areas will be opened up with public space leading to a new shopping centre with green space above surrounded by housing.
Of course this is just the latest in what is being shown at consultation events. Until plans are submitted we won’t know for sure. When they do go in I’ll be going through them with a fine tooth combe.

If you want to see a model of what is planned and ask questions of developer Landsec U&Is representatives, latest plans are on show in coming weeks within unit 25 of the shopping centre.
Details can be found here. It’s not open daily but four separate days over the next three weeks.
Quite pleased about that. Even though I don’t personally drink there it seems to be a gathering place for locals and it should remain.
I hope they actually do plant a lot of trees as part of the plan. Quite often you see a lot of trees on paper but when it’s built it’s mostly a few shrubs and ornamental trees that don’t survive in the long run.
Let’s hope not, its a depressing dump.