New Greenwich distribution depot nears completion

A distribution depot under construction in Greenwich is almost complete.

The site on Tunnel Avenue will open before the Silvertown tunnel completes next year, with the tunnel including a dedicated lane for HGVs.

Tunnel Avenue facing frontage

It sits opposite a Radisson hotel and is part of a number of sites expected to become lorry depots.

In recent weeks plans to convert warehouses in Charlton have both been approved and submitted next door.

When Silvertown tunnel opens it’s expected to see a substantial increase in lorry movements into Greenwich and Charlton.

This will offer potential conflict with thousands of new homes both planned and underway.

Tunnel Avenue remains a mess and barely maintained despite new homes and hotels on area

Hotels too are springing up though streets are still designed around vehicles. Tunnel Avenue again shows no sign of improvement from this latest development.

As covered earlier this week, a Travelodge hotel tower is underway nearby as is another residential development on Blackwall Lane which will be covered in an upcoming post. That’s not to mention various residential plots on the peninsula now underway.


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Many thanks

J Smith

I've lived in south east London most of my life growing up in Greenwich borough and working in the area for many years. The site has contributors on occasion and we cover many different topics. Living and working in the area offers an insight into what is happening locally.

    3 thoughts on “New Greenwich distribution depot nears completion

    • I agree Charles it will fit nicely with the chaos it will bring to headiing our way oncr the Silvertown Tunnel opens
      Increasing the movement of traffic heavy lorries to roads in and around Greenwich and Charlton.

    • Traffic will be chaos when the Silvertown Tunnel opens. Even more so with heavy good vehicles serving the new Distribution Centres in Greenwich and Charlton.
      The cycle lanes and floating bus stops have made it harder fot vehicles to keep moving as yoi have to wait for buses stopped at the bus stops to move off before you can continue. At peak tines this adds to traffic congestion in the area.


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