Blackwall Lane housing development in Greenwich sees crane on site

Work to build new homes at a former MOT centre on Blackwall Lane looks firmly underway with the arrival of a crane on site.

Hexagon Housing Association are behind the project which is just one of many developments in the local area.

Revised plan

Last year Hexagon sought approval to change bricks to a rather drab grey. As yet it appears undecided.

The original brick tone was designed to match neighbouring Rothbury Hall.

Approved exterior before 2023 revision submitted

Despite being approved back in 2019 no Section 106 agreement has been uploaded by the authority onto the planning website – which isn’t great in terms of transparency when it comes to how the authority are spending developer income.

The flats will sit beside the Meantime site which is to end brewing production.

MOT centre formerly on site beside Rothbury Hall

Meantime now sees the location as more of a marketing/bar location and plans to revamp the exterior were approved in 2023.

Beside Brewery. Street clutter increases as vehicle dominance takes hold

Wider area

Blackwall Lane has seen many developments over the past decade along its length of which the Hexagon Housing block is just the latest.

South end of Blackwall Lane

The above shot shows two such examples of relatively recent change either side of the road at the junction with Woolwich Road.

At the northern end where Blackwall Lane meets Tunnel Avenue things fall apart in terms of public realm.

Blackwall Lane

Reaching the peninsula (and vice versa in terms of those on the peninsula reaching east Greenwich) isn’t enticing.

Here’s the stretch around the flyover as seen last week.

Grim environment on foot – which gets even worse to the north. Note new homes rising to rear

Many homes are also underway to the north of the flyover as is visible above. This spot is where new residents would traverse to reach shops, amenities and transport links in east Greenwich.

Area very much a hold-out from 1970s

Highway Engineers (or at least those who installed the current layout many years ago) still expect pedestrians to take long detours rather than logical routes from A to B despite changes all around on both sides of the road.

No paving or crossing on direct route

Bus changes

An increasing number of people on foot may soon be forced through this grim environment after TfL announced plans to change a bus route.

This would force pupils at two nearby schools to traverse a pedestrian-unfriendly space underneath the flyover as well as routes either side.

Dingy flyover seperates many new developments. TfL bus change could force students through here

TfL undertook consultation in January 2024.

They seek to divert route 188 onto Tunnel Avenue which is another area that’s seen a number of developments including the soon-to-complete distribution depot covered last week sitting opposite a relatively new hotel.

New hotel on right. New distribution depot on left

Below we can see those walking the quickest route rather than the long detour.

The quickest route on foot doesn’t have a crossing of any description. It’s littered with railings in an attempt to force people here and there rather than where is logical to walk.

No crossing at arm of roundabout

Of course many people won’t walk long detours and will instead head via the shortest route despite a lack of paving and/or crossings and chance their luck.

In particular teens heading to school aren’t likely to wander all over the place if running late.

Various roads in changing area lack any sort of pedestrian crossing or even paving 

Thus the bus diversion if approved will force students to take a pretty dangerous and grim route – which despite the sheer number of developments (including this very latest on Blackwall Lane) including other housing, schools, commercial spaces, shops and industrial units is still as bad as ever for pedestrians.


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J Smith

I've lived in south east London most of my life growing up in Greenwich borough and working in the area for many years. The site has contributors on occasion and we cover many different topics. Living and working in the area offers an insight into what is happening locally.

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