Plumstead station area changes: Update from Greenwich Council

Plans to improve links between almost two thousand new homes and Plumstead station have been updated by Greenwich Council.

Residents currently have a choice between a dingy underpass and a narrow pavement above beside three lanes of traffic when heading between the station and nearby areas.

Underneath road

Events have previously been held on changes and more are suggested in the latest consultation including improved lighting, artwork and more.

The area underneath the roads include an entrance/exit to the Ridgeway running atop the Southern Outfall sewer to Thamesmead.


One idea for the area is a “low maintenance wildflower planting and grid of trees added to area behind ramp”. Hopefully “low” maintenance doesn’t mean “no” maintenance as the areas has been for years in a state of neglect and disrepair.

From broken steps:

Steps at underpass

To simple things like cleaning signs.

And rubbish dumped and rarely ever cleaned. Here’s a video I took of the site.


As ever don’t put in things unless they’ll be looked after otherwise it’s a mess within weeks.

A lot of these types of projects are designed to look good to local politicians and council management who never visit the areas they make decisions about. Keep it simple.

New ideas


Some welcome ideas are improved lighting and art work as well as improved entrances.

Roof proposal

As good as some ideas for underneath the roads appear many (most?) people will still prefer to walk up the flyover. That requires improvements including wider pavements and even taking space from vehicles.

It feels safer to walk over than under the underpass which offers limited visibility on approach underpass. It’s also more direct. Why go around a spiral ramp or climb stairs which take longer?

Yet narrow paving could make it incredibly congested on foot at times when thousands of people move in.

New homes on left. Station on right.

There was previously mention of widening paving – slightly – but that’s not mentioned in this consultation.

Proposed changes previously mentioned wider pavements above underpass

Hopefully it’s not ditched like a previous plan to alter the on-way system between 1,913 new homes and station which was later abandoned.

Plumstead gyratory runs past many new homes

Greenwich are also not confirming any changes stating “Our ability to deliver all of these proposals will depend on the budget, which will be confirmed in September”.

With improved annual funds from TfL’s Local Implementation Fund, thousands of local homes bringing Section 106 and no remaining Woolwich bill for Community Infrastructure Levy funding certainly should be there. There’s also ringfenced income from traffic and parking fines.

Gyratory opposite station with thousands of homes rising to rear

The area was also designated a Housing Zone with grants and loans. If they can’t find funds from all those plentiful sources something is amiss.

It should also be noted there are three major developments near the area totalling 2,500 homes. TfL continually advised Greenwich Council to obtain and allocate greater Section 106 funding for local transport improvements which the council ignored.

Earlier today I also covered Lewisham’s street plans with sees funding from a number of sources including S106 development income in addition to TfL’s LIP funds.

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J Smith

I've lived in south east London most of my life growing up in Greenwich borough and working in the area for many years. The site has contributors on occasion and we cover many different topics. Living and working in the area offers an insight into what is happening locally.

5 thoughts on “Plumstead station area changes: Update from Greenwich Council

  • It doesn’t matter how many shrubs they plant or how much paint they use above graffiti height: underpasses are dire and feel unsafe. They are a 20th century approach from the days when cars ruled. This is the 21st century and pedestrians should come first, with easy access to crossing routes that don’t force them under the ground.

  • The 3 lanes should be reduced to 2 with a 20 MPH limit as a little boy was killed by a speeding car there not so long ago

  • They have conveniently limited the scope to a tiny area so they can ignore the massive problems… the road does not have parking under control, the 3 lanes are dangerous for cars, cyclists, pedestrians alike, the pavement is too narrow to actually use, the tunnels along murder alley all around flood every time it rains and there’s been no attempt to revamp them or the lighting that rarely works in winter. There’s no CCTV or assistance call points to call for help.
    The whole area is a complete state requiring actual refurbishment and all they want to do is paint a wall and clean a sign.

  • This is what we have come to expect from Greenwich Council.
    The area needs a complete revamp with money spent to compete the change the area.
    Wider pavements by reducing the road to two lanes which is well lit so people do not have to use the dark dangerous underpass.
    The underpass also needs to be completely revamped with new brighter lighting, CCTV, Emergency Access Call Points to make it safe.
    Greenwich Council neglect public realm tine and time again.
    We need to hold the Greenwich Council Labour Administration to account on this has it is them.who make decisions on spending..

  • We live in a great Borough full of history and some lovely open spaces. But the Borough is not well managed by the current administraton. How they are managing the improvement around Plumstead Station is a prime example of this.


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