Latest look at Silvertown tunnel and approach road construction
Work continues apace on the Silvertown tunnel as a 2025 opening date approaches and proposed toll levels were eventually revealed.
I’ve been back up on the cable car to take a few pics looking at progress north of the Thames as well as a few taken alongside.

The northern control tower above the entrance to the tunnel is now pretty much complete externally save for windows. The brick base has seen the wraps come off.
Note also the other structures related to the tunnel’s operation to the right in the above pic. Most staff upon opening will be located north of the Thames.

The above view shows the DLR snaking its way across east London. The train is located where a station is long-planned but as yet unfunded.
To the south of the Thames sees the southern control tower in Greenwich which is far more sombre affair than its northern cousin.

The giant arrow? Well, the structure so non descript it’s easy to miss.
A large “temporary” car park located nearby is now set to stay for up to another 10 years. In addition a distribution depot is approaching completion.

Areas remain bleak for those on foot or cycle coming from east Greenwich to the peninsula.
No meetings of the Silvertown Tunnel Implementation Group appear to have been held since February. These see Transport for London update boroughs on latest developments.

They’d normally be two by time of the year. Both Mayoral and national elections may have hampered that.
The tunnel should open in the first half of 2025.
Greenwich side of the river always comes off worse when it comes to TFL and Greenwich Council. Public realm is very low down on their list of priorities.
So much could be done to make these areas more attractive and safer for pedestrians. Cyclists and everyone living in or visiting the area by investing in public realm improvements.
The turquoise flowerpot tower on the northern side is cheery. The southern control point looks like a bunker or low security holding facility.