Whitechapel market changes on the way from levelling-up fund
Tower Hamlets Council look set to agree to install new market stalls along Whitechapel Road at a meeting next week.
A report shows images of the £3.8 million project from a “levelling-up” funding award under the previous government. Images of what’s on the way can be seen here.
It’s part of a wider total spend of £9.3 million announced back in 2021. An additional £2.45 million in Community Infrastructure Levy income from new development in the borough has also been approved.
The council’s Cabinet are being asked to agree the “procurement process to fabricate and install new market stalls on Whitechapel Road following the successful trial of prototype structures”.
The report continues that “A market stall prototype has been trialled on Whitechapel Road’s northern footway successfully for several months, and feedback collected from a large range of stakeholders (including the traders themselves) has informed the final design and functionality of the market stalls.
Other areas seeing funding include the Whitechapel Road Public Realm Improvement Project (PRIP) which includes improved pavements, street lighting, greening and street furniture.
Buildings will also see funding for renovation.
Levelling-up funding is also the bulk of money behind Lewisham’s current town centre work which was covered on this site earlier in the week.
A new market canopy is set to be built on the High Street with completion in Lewisham of that project by September 2025.
I lived in Tower Hamlets all my life near Whitechapel, but because I suffer from permanent tonic-clonic epilepsy, learning disability and cognitive dysfunction, Tower Hamlets social services are keeping me hostage regularly in Ilford under the care of S&A Care Services Ltd. Tower Hamlets Adult Social Care team are taking advantage of hurting me, harassing me, abusing me and neglecting me from still living in Tower Hamlets at my parents home and social services are forcing my mother about not letting me live with my mother at my mother’s home, Tower Hamlets adult Social care team are providing extremely terrible services, I always love my mother but I haven’t seen any mother who would let go of her disabled son that she raised for 45 years and I now that Tower Hamlets adult Social care team are always forcing my mother not to allow me to live with her anymore, but would you like Social services to tell your mother privately that she shouldn’t allow her disabled son to live with her anymore
I reside in Whitechapel and the current health and safety risk for these make shift stalls and the volume of foot-flow traffic is asking for a serious accident to happen.
The new design proposals will at least bring it into the 21st century for all to enjoy.
Purpose built stalls with correct irrigation for rain water drainage to reduce the risk to members of the public, with adequate stall lighting during the long winter months.