Woolwich market square revamp now taking shape

Work to rebuild Beresford Square is starting to take square as new paving and street furniture is laid.

The site of Woolwich’s outdoor market has seen a fair few changes over the years, with the latest part of a major project also spanning much of Powis Street.


As seen in the above image, paving is going down on the eastern half of the square. Fountains are also due on this side.

To the west, planters and seating is starting to appear. Market stalls will line this side.

If you’ve already forgotten how it looked, compare the above view to the image below taken just as work commenced.

As it was

Almost £25 million is being spent across the town centre with much from the last government’s Future High Streets Fund.

A separate Heritage England fund has been revamping shopfronts.

Looking east

A “path” will lead from Green’s End outside the DLR station towards the Royal Arsenal Gatehouse, with its gates opened up.

Render of completed project

As for completion dates it’s not confirmed. Unlike Lewisham Council where officers have just written a comprehensive report showing timelines at their major £24 million town centre project, nothing similar has been written for any Greenwich Council meeting in the recent past.

Like Lewisham, a canopy structure is due to be installed. While in Lewisham it’s for a market, in Woolwich it’s for a café.

There’s little to show so far.

Future cafe site beside bus stops

This was a former toilet block.

The café is due to include toilets – though how access eventually pans out remains to be seen.

Former toilets

And that just about concludes this little overview of what’s happening.

When complete I’m not entirely sure market traders will be too keen to return – or at least those near the DLR who are getting substantial footfall passing currently.




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J Smith

I've lived in south east London most of my life growing up in Greenwich borough and working in the area for many years. The site has contributors on occasion and we cover many different topics. Living and working in the area offers an insight into what is happening locally.

2 thoughts on “Woolwich market square revamp now taking shape

  • Looking forwarded to seeing the works completed along with Powis Street. But do agree with your other readers that the far end of Powis Street, Hare Street and the area around MacBean Street and Riverside House also needs regeneration and public realm improvements. These areas are the often forgotten areas of Woolwich.

  • With all the work being carried out to revamp the open market area, is there a fund put aside to use when it strikes to look shabby, because it seems to me the way the council works, its let’s wait till it falls apart then make great play of upgrading the area. I think this may be the 2 Nd or 3rd time it’s been revamped


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