Next train indicators finally appear on Elizabeth line platforms

While the Elizabeth line has been an incredible success since services begun it’s not all been perfect.

One of those little things you take for granted until it’s not there is a massive great next train indicator at a termini when two trains are leaving n the same direction from adjacent platforms. In this case, at Abbey Wood.

Recent addition. Everyone ignoring the arrow

None was apparent on the platforms since the line opened back in May 2022 – until some appeared the other day.

Either that or I’ve been oblivious for years which I wouldn’t rule out.

Looking back it seemed the screen previously showing a long list of departures across the station including Southeastern and Thameslink has been changed to the arrow visible from a long way back.

It does the job but I vote for a specially designed one along the lines of these beauties.


I did note that the arrow changes to the later train a whole two minutes before the first train departs – so seasoned travellers know it can’t really be trusted.

Pretty much everyone walking to a train in the image above ignored the arrow as the train on the right was departing first and clearly so with the flow of people heading to it.

Stratford station

If descending the stairs from the upper entrance or entering via the Felixstowe Road entrance, I’d give short shrift to the arrow now visible.

Still, only two platforms to choose isn’t not as bad as Stratford Jubilee line at times when three platforms can be occupied by a train.

Card readers

Taken September 2023

It’s not the first change made to the platforms since the line opened from Abbey Wood in May 2022.

It took about 18 month before Oyster and contactless validators were installed on the Elizabeth line platform.

Inside the station

From a passenger point of view, the station doesn’t have much more to fix when inside and it remains a lovely thing to pass through when upstairs.

That timber roof brings a real warmth to the place and is quietly impressive. Other elements of the station are street level may not be great (the giant blank frontages) but inside it feels classy.

Just don’t always trust the arrows.


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J Smith

I've lived in south east London most of my life growing up in Greenwich borough and working in the area for many years. The site has contributors on occasion and we cover many different topics. Living and working in the area offers an insight into what is happening locally.

    2 thoughts on “Next train indicators finally appear on Elizabeth line platforms

    • Maybe next train indicators could also be installed at other stations on the Elizabeth Line such as at Shenfield. And also at other stations including Stratford (London Overground) and at London Terminus platforms.

    • I think it’s a good idea to have next train indicators installed at stations on the Elizabeth Line where passengers would be notified and to board the train to reduce congestion and to improve punctuality on the Elizabeth Line. Good idea.


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