Beresford Square in Woolwich upgrade taking shape with new paving down

Work to renovate Beresford Square in Woolwich is coming together as new paving is laid across the site.

It’s out with the old flat surface covering pretty much the entirety of the space and in with various segmented areas including a water feature and landscaping.

Beresford Square

Shifting to the right a tad in the above shot shows areas set for landscaping, seating and behind that a forthcoming fountain.

So where will market traders go? They’ll be positioned along one edge of the square in front of Poundstretcher leading to a new pavilion where the foundations are now in.

Pavilion site

I suspect many traders won’t be too keen to move given they seem to be enjoying high footfall in current locations near the DLR and bus stops.

Here’s a look from outside the Powis street DLR entrance towards General Gordon Square. Stalls are located on Green’s End and head around the corner on General Gordon Square.

Market stalls

This shot below gives a view of future market stalls set to be positioned above the seating.

Market stalls due to line square on left

Work is a bit less advanced on Beresford Square at points closer to the Royal Arsenal Gatehouse.

The site saw delays after a previous contractor went under.

Not much to see

Businesses facing square

In the above shot we can see the now-closed Ordnance Arms other wise known as The Old Gun Pit.

Plans to refurbish the building went in two and a half years ago, and in recent weeks further submissions were made.

A decade since last revamp

Hopefully this time the project is a bit more successful than the last dating back to the early 2010s.

The square could be a key link between the Royal Arsenal and town centre if it works. Note the outside seating below.

Render of completed project

That was also the hope a little over a decade again – but maintenance was poor from day one which didn’t help it becoming a featureless, neglected space outside of market hours.

So paving and features were lifted out alongside a bespoke lighting scheme barely a decade old.

2011 render shows how space was supposed to be used after previous revamp

Powis Street changes are also now underway nearby as part of the same £21 million Future High Streets project and that doesn’t bode particularly well.

Much of what has been done is already in poor shape. Dirty, used as car parking and generally look drab already.

Bright white materials on Powis Street have quickly become stained and dirty

You can see a details of how it’s shaping up here.

Beresford Square plans meanwhile have lots to commend them but whether it lasts is another question.

We’ll see how it shapes up and then maintained when works complete in 2025.

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J Smith

I've lived in south east London most of my life growing up in Greenwich borough and working in the area for many years. The site has contributors on occasion and we cover many different topics. Living and working in the area offers an insight into what is happening locally.

6 thoughts on “Beresford Square in Woolwich upgrade taking shape with new paving down

  • Good to see progress, and… I can already picture the same lot that frequents General Gordon Square, sitting on the new benches in the new renovated Beresford Square (scattered empty beer cans and chicken bones included). Will this (yet) new revamp make a difference? Out of a sow’s ear, one can’t make a silk purse I’m afraid, but hey: No revamp, no taxpayers money spent and more importantly, no contracts awarded. I hope I am mistaken although, how many times has Beresford Square been renovated?

  • Just passed the Lakedale Road pocket park in Plumstead and 2 of the 4 trees are already dead. Let’s hope the maintenance in Woolwich is better.

    • Sadly Sacha I doubt Woolwich will be better maintain. Public realm and the maintaining and cleaning of public realm is not high on Greenwich Councils list of priorities

  • Well I was brought up in Plumstead – born at the beginning of the war I have a memorial in Plumstead cemetery – I pay for maintenance of the grave site but I have had reason to complain that the work I have been paying for invariably is to say the least of poor workmanship – they just do not have any idea of how a grave should be kept – yes they plant it up twice a year and that’s it – they have clearly made an attempt to clear the area for the spring planting however in doings so I they have just thrown the spent plants on the adjacent graves one being my aunts the whole area is a disaster – whole area is a disgrace rubbish and unkempt – it is fair to say that a worker may not know how to go about a job that is why we have management so where are they?

  • Pingback: Beresford Square upgrade in Woolwich shows major progress - Murky Depths

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