Woolwich market café and pavilion on the rise

A new structure beside Beresford Square in Woolwich is now on the rise as part of a town centre revamp.

The pavilion will sit on a former toilet block and include a café upon completion.

Student block to left

It’s part of a wider Woolwich town centre program with much funding from the previous government’s Future High Streets fund comprising Powis Street works (as covered the other day) alongside Beresford Square.

A Heritage England project runs alongside Future High Streets work which included shopfronts and adding historical signage.

Upon completion the market cafe should look a little like this. Studio Weave are behind the design.

Woolwich market pavilion plan

As shown above a 299-room student block is rising nearby while a market pound a few metres away is part of a large development proposal which also covers the former Woolwich Poly school site.

An extensive post recently looked at proposals there which will include hundreds more student flats and co-living units.

Cafe site. Development plans on location to the right

In addition Berkeley Homes’ Ropeyards development not too far was recently approved by Greenwich Council.

Public realm work as well as the market pavilion is expected to complete in 2025.

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J Smith

I've lived in south east London most of my life growing up in Greenwich borough and working in the area for many years. The site has contributors on occasion and we cover many different topics. Living and working in the area offers an insight into what is happening locally.

One thought on “Woolwich market café and pavilion on the rise

  • Is it known who will operate the café?


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