Woolwich town centre development to start June 2025
A major Woolwich town centre development located between a Tesco superstore and General Gordon Square is set to begin in June 2025.
Newly submitted documents give a summer start date for a residential block on phase three approved after a height reduction.
Blocks located the opposite side of Tesco in phase four are set to start in August 2025.
Approval was given for the current designs in 2022. A total of 712 homes will be built. Of that just 113 homes will be affordable at London Affordable Rent which is the closest thing to social rent now often seen.
Long vacant
The site either side of Tesco has been vacant for many years was formerly public land with part home to Greenwich Council’s Peggy Middleton House.
Tesco owned the site for some years completing phases one and two winning a carbuncle cub in the process.
Under their control tower plans were drawn up as far back as 2006 but never proceeded.
What was built wasn’t not the best development in places, to be polite.
Cladding is a horror show in places unless you love the appearance of what looks like grey plastic.
The frontage facing north isn’t too bad to be honest. That side though needs a trigger warning blaring out from speakers on approach.
Tesco eventually sold up to Meyer Homes who sought a tower on site much as Tesco had planned, though of far better design. Good design but probably the wrong location.
A shame really this quality of tower couldn’t be seen elsewhere in Woolwich.
Plans were reduced in height and we have now a far less interesting building approved.
For many years it was a green space. It was never supposed to be be that for so long given Tesco planned a tower 19 years ago.
In recent months the area was fenced off in advance of work starting.
Which according to the latest application will be this summer.
Of course an applicating going in stating something and it actually happening are two different things. One to watch.
I will be pleased to see work start on the sites to the front and back of Tesco’s from Summer 2025.
With the Woolwich Tower site to the front of Tesco”s at least 113 of the honez will be for London Affordable rents. This will allow 113 local people/families to be housed.
Greenwich Council and Housing Assocuations need to identify more sites for social housing in the Borough.
I think the old Waterfront Leisure centre site should be site aside for social housing.when the Waterfront Leisure Centre closes and the new Leusure Centre opens on Woolwich New Road opposite General Gordon Square.. As should other sites owned by the Council..