Danson Park water playground revamp underway

Work to improve a water playground and toilets are underway in Danson Park.

Bexley Council is to spend more than £220,000 to improve the water park and toilet with water playground provider Ustigate commencing yesterday (Wednesday 15 January).

The council state that “the old worn-out surface and equipment in the water park will be replaced and the new design will feature waist level water activation posts to broaden inclusivity for those with disabilities and to ensure it remains completely accessible for those with mobility issues.”

“New more efficient technology will be used to provide water feature sequencing and activation that conserves water and encourages movement throughout the water playground enabling more active play and exercise.”

The revamped park sees one end of the new play area “have characters at low levels and gentle water sprays for younger children and water play novices to enjoy while at the other end there will be water features more suited to children who are confident in the water”.

In addition public toilets opposite the car park will re-open shortly following refurbishment while Mansion House Toilets will be closed to enable refurbishment.

Councillor Richard Diment, Bexley’s Cabinet Member for Neighbourhoods said:

“We’re making a significant investment in Danson splash park and in the toilet facilities because we know how important these are for local families particularly those who don’t have gardens. We’ve ensured that the water playground will be fully accessible and more environmentally friendly but that most importantly of all children of all ages can enjoy it.

“These improvements will ensure that the water playground continues to be enjoyed by the community for many years to come.”

Work on the splash park will take a number of months with the intention of completing work when warmer weather arrives in Spring 2025.

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J Smith

I've lived in south east London most of my life growing up in Greenwich borough and working in the area for many years. The site has contributors on occasion and we cover many different topics. Living and working in the area offers an insight into what is happening locally.

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