South east London bus routes change operator today

Three bus routes serving south east London will see a new operator from today as Arriva makes way.

Route numbers 99, 401 and 269 will see new electric double deckers introduced over the coming year replacing diesel buses.

Arriva had seen criticism for the tatty internal condition of some buses used on the routes while on the exterior many needed a good clean. Go-Ahead group will now operate all three services from their Bexleyheath garage.

Route 99 runs from Bexleyheath to Woolwich via Bostall Hill and Plumstead.

Route 401 at lower Belvedere before heading up a rather steep hill to the top of town

Buses currently terminate near Woolwich ferry though it has been mooted it could one day extend to Charlton to serve thousands of homes planned as part of the Riverside Masterplan area.

An extension is not likely to happen soon given slow build rates. Another bus route that terminates in Woolwich (the 301) has also been mentioned as extending to Charlton.

Herringham Quarter in Charlton

Charlton Riverside could see up to 8,000 homes one day, with some sites such as the 1292-home Herringham Quarter gaining approval some years ago.

Other bus routes

The 401 runs from north Thamesmead to Bexleyheath via Upper Belvedere passing development sites on the way including in Thamesmead.

401 passes beside Thamesmead site

It also serves an area at Belvedere’s former gasworks where 400 homes are proposed (revised down from 563).

Route 269 runs between Bexleyheath town centre and Bromley via Chislehurst and Sidcup, running mostly in parallel to the limited stop Superloop route SL3 along the route.

269 at Bexleyheath

The loss of three routes run from Arriva’s Dartford garage leaves relatively few still serving south east London with just the 335, 428, 492 and B15.

Arriva also lost the B13 back in 2023.

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J Smith

I've lived in south east London most of my life growing up in Greenwich borough and working in the area for many years. The site has contributors on occasion and we cover many different topics. Living and working in the area offers an insight into what is happening locally.

6 thoughts on “South east London bus routes change operator today

  • Arriva buses are no worse than some other operators includibg Go Ahead London and Stagecoach. Who all have dirty busex from time to time. Cleaning of the buses are thr responsibility of private cleaning contractors rather than the bus operators themselves.
    New electric buses are often taking a year or more to be delivered. Hence why routes 335 have had there contracts extended for 3 years with existing buses. As bus manufacturers cannot keep up with the demand for new electric buses in time for contact renewal starr dates.
    I wish Go Ahead London every success for the future operating routes 99 269 and 401 from Bexleyheath Garage.
    I also wish the Arriva drivers at Dartford good luck for the future they have some lovely drivers on their routes including the 229 301 335 428 492 and B15..

    • Cleaning of the buses may be contracted out but the responsibility still lies with those who contract them, i.e. the bus operators. No one is forcing them to use contractors. They have every right to bring the cleaning operations in-house as they used to be, or to use different cleaning contractors.

      • Nuffink, Sadly the bus operators including Go Ahead, Stagecoach, Arriva etc got rid of the in house cleaners shunters etc. Existing staff were transferred to the private contractors under TUPE. New staff were employed on different terms and conditions which meant Lower pay scales, holiday entitlement etc.
        So sadly cannot see the work being brought back in house anytime soon.

  • I have to agree all bus operators have dirty buses this is a problem across Lindon.
    Cleaning of buses is the responsibility of private cleaning contractors in bus garages.
    It is also down to the amount of buses that have to be cleaned each night
    The cleaners are not given enough time to give the buses a deep clean.
    Passengers need to also play their part by not dropping their litter including food wrappings, cans and bottles on the floor or seats. Thar will also help to keep buses cleaner.
    Arriva London still operate some very good bus services in London.

    • @KM: there would be no need for a “deep clean” if regular cleaning was done. The grime that you see on buses could be kept at bay if a damp cloth and cleaning fluids was run over surfaces every night.

      • I totally agree anonymous201486 but sadly this does not always seen to happen.


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