Fightback against Greenwich town centre’s loss of independent shops as another closes

A petition has been launched directed at the owner of much of Greenwich town centre in order to halt the loss of independent businesses and recent increase in chain stores.

Criticism is aimed at Greenwich Hospital with rent increases given as the reason behind the closure this week of vintage shop Joli on Nelson Street.

Greenwich town centre

The petition states: “We understand Greenwich Hospital has to make money for its charitable concerns but, with imagination, this can be done without destroying the livelihoods of small local businesses and without ignoring its responsibility as custodian of a special part of London.”

Many national chains have set up across the town centre over the past decade. While some have always existed, the number has grown substantially.

The petition continues: “Pricing out independent shops is counterproductive. Greenwich is a place valued by locals and visitors for its heritage and unique character.

“That will be lost if it goes the way of most high streets in the UK and becomes an identikit mass of chain stores. We call on John Healey, Deirdre Mills and vice admiral Martin Connell, respectively the trustee, director and advisor of Greenwich Hospital, to stop this happening.”

Joli vintage clothing store will see their last day of business on Sunday 9 February. You can view and sign the petition here.

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J Smith

I've lived in south east London most of my life growing up in Greenwich borough and working in the area for many years. The site has contributors on occasion and we cover many different topics. Living and working in the area offers an insight into what is happening locally.

One thought on “Fightback against Greenwich town centre’s loss of independent shops as another closes

  • Yeah we can’t afford all them independent shops. Wass wrong with chain shops if iss cheaper food n we aint all tourists rahnd ere. I aint signin.


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