Elizabeth line’s new trains to start construction in summer 2025

Ten new trains to improve services on the Elizabeth line are set to begin construction this summer in Derby.

With the line a resounding success and overcrowding already an issue – plus a need to serve Old Oak Common when HS2 finally arrives – Alstom’s Litchurch Lane site will build units for delivery from spring 2026.

The order also provided a lifeline to the factory at risk of closure of substantial job losses.

Latest timelines are visible in a Transport for London report before a meeting this week that states upon arrival new trains will allow “the start of enhanced services as soon after as possible”.


The report doesn’t list exactly what branches or destinations will be served by the net increase in stock:

“We are now investigating deployment scenarios for the additional 10 trains which includes taking advantage of existing paths on the east; providing capacity in the central operating section; and increasing capacity on the west.

“This includes work to understand operational and infrastructure considerations, such as developing plans for improved turnaround arrangements at Paddington.”

Where ten additional trains will be stabled also presents a challenge and that needs to organised soon:

“We are also investigating the feasibility of stabling opportunities in conjunction with Network Rail. The stabling works needs to be delivered by late 2026 to avoid the need for temporary storage.”


The line has been an enormous success and is the only TfL mode of transport exceeded budgeted expectations so far this financial year according to a separate report before TfL’s Finance Committee last week.

Recent journeys by myself have seen crush loading a number of times and people unable to board.

Stations such as Woolwich have already seen measures put in place due to crowding and that’s before thousands more local homes are built. A decision to save money in the short term by not building a second station entrance to the east looks ever more silly.

A development named Armourers Court has been approved above the eastern end of the station box but will include no entrance.

Armourers Court approved above station box

Further east 2,600 homes are being built – or now completing – nearby in Plumstead and Thamesmead at Lombard Square (1,913 homes), Dock 28 (333 homes) and the Plumstead college site (294 homes).

Across from Woolwich station there’s also Woolwich Exchange (801 homes) while more than 400 student rooms are coming nearby alongside 660 homes at Ropeyards.

Woolwich development proposed near Elizabeth line station

That’s far from all.

See also the MacBean Street site, Woolwich Central around the Tesco superstore (712 homes), the Woolwich Island site (500 co-living units), Riverside House (300 student rooms and 265-room hotel), Mortgramit Square (269 units) and Brookhill estate redevelopment (254 homes).

Ah, and last month’s news a building facing Beresford Square has just been sold for housing.

That’s quite the increase in new homes and future passengers. And for Woolwich see similar at many other stations along the route.

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J Smith

I've lived in south east London most of my life growing up in Greenwich borough and working in the area for many years. The site has contributors on occasion and we cover many different topics. Living and working in the area offers an insight into what is happening locally.

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